Delivering your organisational strategy is one of the most important outcomes of your role as a leader. The ability of your team to connect to that strategy is a key driver for it to be successful.
One of the main challenges that I’ve consistently observed is the disconnect that many operational teams feel that they have with the organisational strategy. For some, it’s just words on a piece of paper and something that seems too intangible to deliver on a day-to-day basis.
Here are some examples of how you can foster strategic thinking and action within your team:
Lead by example
Consistently define and communicate key priorities that align with the company’s long-term vision so your team knows where to focus their efforts and where you are focusing yours.
Help your team understand the company’s broader goals and how their roles contribute and directly impact these objectives.
Share your thought process by talking through your reasoning for decisions, helping your team understand how to balance short-term actions with long-term goals.
Be clear on what’s expected of your team
Give your team members ownership over key projects or initiatives. Allow them to make decisions and navigate challenges independently.
Encourage them to think through their choices and consider both immediate impacts and long-term outcomes by empowering decision-making
Encourage your team members to collaborate with other departments. This helps them understand and experience how their work impacts other areas of the business.
Strategy Coaching
When a team member brings a solution, ask questions like: "How does this align with our long-term goals?" or "What could the unintended consequences be?"
Encourage your team to think beyond the present by asking questions such as: “What impact will this have in six months or a year?”
Build in time for the team to reflect on their actions and outcomes. Ask them what worked, what didn’t, and what they’d do differently next time.
When the time is right, and you’re ready to work together to transform your talent strategy and leadership effectiveness, let’s set up a 45-minute discovery call to see if my approach is right for you.