You're the leader of a team of senior people.
They are well paid.
So why are you spending your life telling your people how to do their jobs?
The reason is....
Because you always tell them how to do their jobs
You see, focusing on the how creates a cycle.
They ask you how to do it. You tell them. They do it.
Then the next time they need to do it, they ask you how to do it. You tell them. They do it.
And repeat. Infinitely.
Because you're telling them how to do their job, they don't work it out for themselves. They become reliant on you.
They don't develop in the way that you would expect and you don't get to create strategies, engage in one to one conversations or get home in time for dinner.
When the time is right, here are three ways I can help:
Ready to work together to transform your team? Let’s set up a 45minute discovery call to see if our signature Aligned Team programme is right for you . Book direct with me here.
Email to access an exclusive video sharing six questions that all high performing senior leaders MUST ask their teams.
Click here to get a free copy of ‘The Aligned Team’ from my book The Alignment Advantage.