I was with a super-talented group of leaders this week.
Between them, they were responsible for multiple billions of Euros of revenue in their fast-growing business.
They lead thousands of people between them.
Yet they struggle to let go of doing the detail.
One person still creates PowerPoint presentations for his business development team.
But I get it. It's hard to let go when you have been the expert for so long.
It's hard to surrender responsibility to someone else who doesn't have your expertise.
But you know you have to give them the freedom to succeed.
You need to get out of the day-to-day weeds so you can work strategically to get the results you want personally and need professionally.
Here's the most crucial step.
Let go of the how.
Tell your people what they need to do and when it needs to be done by.
Let them work out how to do it themselves.
Let go of the how.
Remind them that if they need support, they can ask, and you will guide them.
But don't make the plan for them.
And definitely don't create their PowerPoint presentation for them.
In the next 14 days, I'll release a free 60-minute online training for leaders who are ready to step up to the next level in their organisation but need to build their confidence, credibility and strategic focus. If you want to be among the first to experience it, email me at richard@twentyoneleadership.com with Confident Leader Taster Training in the title.
When you are ready...
The Aligned Team - ready to transform how your team communicate, break down silos and get better results with the same resources? Drop me an email with 'ALIGNED Team' in the subject. Let's set up a 45-minute discovery call by clicking here.
Interested in working one-on-one with me to transform your confidence and gravitas, step up strategically and build a leadership mindset? Get an exclusive preview of my free Confident Leader mini-masterclass by emailing me with Confident Leader in the subject field.
If you are an HR Director or Chief People Officer or are responsible for leadership development in your organisation. I would love to share our process for creating the most engaging leadership development programmes on the planet (that pay for themselves in one hit). Email me with Transformational Leadership in the subject line.