This is for you if you have been told you’re earmarked for promotion but you’ve been overlooked.
New blood is being brought in around you and, it seems, favoured.
This is for you if you lead a team of high performers. You deliver well. You’re the expert in the field, but that next step to director level or C-Suite has evaded you so far.
Stop fighting fires.
The biggest challenge for people at the stage of your career that you are at, is that what has made you successful up to now will not make you successful at the next level.
In fact, the very things that have helped you meet your ambitions and create the profile that you have, are likely to hold you back from progressing.
Things like your deep subject matter expertise.
Your ability to fight fires.
Your relentless drive to create teams in your image.
Stop fighting fires.
The question that those above you have is ‘can you adapt to a life of ambiguity, where you have to make decisions that impact on the whole organisation and where there isn’t a single right answer.
Leadership in the C-Suite has so much less to do with subject matter expertise and so much more with your ability to create and activate strategy, leading change, modelling the way, coaching, inspiring and operating horizontally not just vertically.
In fact your number one challenge is to let go of your need of a subject expert and to be a super manager whose finger prints are on everything that your team does.
If this has resonated with you, your first step is to create a truly aligned team who lead themselves.
And your next step?
Stop fighting fires.
When the time is right, here are three ways I can help:
Ready to work together to transform your team? Let’s set up a 45minute discovery call to see if our signature Aligned Team programme is right for you . Book direct with me here.
Email to access an exclusive video sharing six questions that all high performing senior leaders MUST ask their teams.
Click here to get a free copy of ‘The Aligned Team’ from my book The Alignment Advantage.